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Our Featured Projects.

Project no.4
The House at Bhor is the smallest house that we have designed. The aim was to design a small cozy contemporary holiday home that responds to the site profile and uses local materials and building techniques. The key idea was to keep it simple and provide spaces that link indoors and outdoor.
Institution at Belgaum
College of engineering and technology is a project located in Belgaum. Our client ‘Bharatesh Education Trust’ appointed us for IGBC Leed Certification for this project. Our involvement in this project is since the beginning of this project. Ecour studio has provided guidance and feedback at different stages throughout this project to make it sustainable. Daylight, ventilation, sustainable materials use and efficient landscape are some of the extraordinary features of this project. Total area of this project is 25000 sqmt.

Ward Office
The Wadgaon Sheri ward office proposal is based on three key considerations for the space- “consideration for people working there, consideration for people visiting the place and finally consideration for people living around the place”. These three considerations were crucial, it being a public building. Under each consideration there are key aspects to be achieved 1)Considerations for people working there- Welcoming + Interactive Environment Organized Open + private Well lit and ventilated 2)Considerations for people visiting the place- Welcoming and accessible to all + Interactive Environment Easy to approach + Comfortable Spaces to relax/wait etc. 3)Considerations for people living around- Circulation (people and vehicle)+ Existence of ward Privacy The aim is to design so as to respond to the micro climate and existing vegetation on the site. The orientation, design of elevations, fenestration etc all respond to the micro climate. The interior spaces aim to borrow maximum natural light and provide good ventilation. Also waiting areas are designed in such a way that they get maximum benefit of views of garden outside.
Windows of Opportunity

Ecour Studio
7, Dattaprasad, 1206 B/7, off JM road
Shivajinagar, Pune 411004
(m) 8600012342